David Hockney, one of RCA's most prominent graduates, wax figure at the Royal College of Art's Senior Common Room

Rut Blees Luxemburg discussing her students work

Rut at crit with her students

one of the MA in Photography students work, a taxonomy of exhibition displays, fashion, femininity.
I was invited by photographer Rut Blees Luxemburg to participate in one of the crits for her final year MA in Photography students at the Royal College of Art, who are preparing their final exhibition work. Afterwards we had lunch at the Royal College of Art where they have a David Hockney wax sculpture on loan from Madame Tussauds since 1996. The wax sculpture was sculpted by artist Karen Newman. David looks almost real, it's kind of uncanny. Somebody told me that when the wax figures at Madame Tussauds are replaced for new, more popular figures, the old figures are melted, and that this one was saved by giving it to the RCA.
You can see Rut's work here http://www.rutbleesluxemburg.com/
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