Paulo Herkenhoff
Nucleo Historico, Antropofagia
Histories of Canibalism
24th Bienal de Sao Paulo, 1998
Diagram developed by Paulo Herkenhoff for the 1998 24th Sao Paulo Biennale to explain his challenging of Euro-NorthAmerican-centric art historical narratives through the use of the cannibalistic concept of anthropophagia or devouring of the other, in this case used to create a vis-a-vis dialogue mainly between Brasilian artists and their European and North American counterparts. In pink I have signaled the Brazilian artists or movements, in green those from Latin America (Reveron, Siqueiros, Matta and Cuzco colonial religious painting), and in red the presence/influence of Africa which appears as "material culture". The central columns refers to a history of anthropophagia/cannibalism, the left one refers more to Brazilian artists, the right one to European (or Europe based as in the case of Matta).
(click on image for better resolution)
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