In the occassion of the three Septemeber biennials (Athens, Istanbul and Lyon). artist Angelo Plessas is doing an internet guerilla project. Plessas, an artist that uses the internet as his medium and domain names as titles for his pieces, got inspired by the three strange biennial titles and he bought their .coms, which had been left unused by the organisers. These titles are:
www.DestroyAthens.com (Athens Biennial),
www.NotOnlyPossibleButAlsoNecessary.com ( Istanbul Biennial) and
www.TheHistoryOfADecadeThatHasNotYetBeenNamed.com (Lyon Biennial).
When he found out that the grouping of these three biennials had been given the name "Tres bienn", he also registered www.Tresbienn.com as junction point for this 3-part project. The artworks he created are not related to the biennials themselves but are an artist's impression of the titles, along with a feeling for each city. Each of the works is launched one day before the official opening of each biennial. They will be also showed by 3 different galleries that will operate temporarily in parallel to the Athens Biennial, Blow de la Barra (London), Rebecca Camhi (Athens), Rodeo (Istanbul).
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