Sunday, 18 May 2008


Jessica Morgan, Jens Hoffman and Conrad arriving to the exhibition

Rafael Doctor entering through the tropical storm of the Promenade

Tapis de Lecture

Riyo (1999) playing at Cinelandia

Cinelandia chairs

entrance to Nocturama

entrance to Solarium

seating at Solarium


Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Pablo Leon de la Barra

Patio after rain

NOCTURAMA*: the exhibition
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

In an essay titled The Forms of Time and the Chronotope in the Novel. Essays on Historical Poetics in his work Theory and Aesthetics of the Novel, the Russian linguist Mijaíl Bajtín (1895-1975), defined “chronotopes” as the connection of the temporal and spatial relations artistically assimilated in literature; a passage of time thickened in space and vice versa where both are intercepted and become visible to the beholder and appreciable from the aesthetic point of view. Bajtín explains in his work that the «represented world» and the “creator world” are firmly linked and constantly interacting, establishing a close connection between the work—the represented world—and social discursiveness—the creator world. The perception of the real world enters literature through the chronotopes: they play the main role in the configuration of the storyline, offering the main field for the representation of events in images. According to the definition of Bajtín, for whom chronotopes are the places where the narrative cruces are set up and undone, we can say that the meaning moulding the narration belongs to them, and they end up simultaneously making manifest the interior and exterior of texts.

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster presents NOCTURAMA*, a journey through specific times and identifiable, real places with which the French artist represents the world she tells. This new narrative consists of Promenade—a work produced with Christophe Van Huffel, an invisible piece whose film-inspired use of sound makes for a radically tropicalised place; Tapis de lecture, an invitation to rest surrounded by piles of books, a reservoir of possibilities—or the material sources of their fictions; Cinelandia, a selection of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster’s films—some with Ange Leccia; Solarium with Nicolas Ghesquière, a space for luminous contemplation and reception; and lastly Nocturama, a new sitespecific production, a new environment. All of them are, in short, time machines capable of bringing about movement through space as if they were futurist teletransporters.

* and promenade, cinelandia, solarium…

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