Ten little niggers
Series of 20 drawings, ink on paper
29,7 x 21 cm each (A4)
Ten little niggers is a series of 20 drawings inspired to colonial iconography. The title is taken from Agatha Cristie novel, now translated as “Ten little indians” because of ratial concerns.
“As every artist I’m first of all a painter of women”
4 drawings, ink on paper
84 x 56 cm each (A1)
The title of this work is the quotation of the famous sentence by the artist Pablo Picasso. These paintings are a mixture of cubism and return to classical references combined with the relationship between western and oriental culture.
The secret proceedings in Benghazi, 15 september 1931
Audio, voice John Rayment
This secret trial is the one that led to death the leader of the Libyan resistance Omar el-Muchtar, The lion of the desert. It is gived in a threefold document in which the same interrogation is written in three different ways.
So amazing to see the beautiful work of my former room mate Patrizio, so secretive about his art.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Patrizio, I find your work touching - its layers of historical allusion and personal interpretation are delicate and deep.