and arts and jobs own White Cubicle toilet gallery, called Beyond the Rim, showing the work of hero Will Jones
Sarah McCrory and Prem Sahib
home from home.
These perplexing conundrums, perhaps not yet
to be answered, were ones that daily made their unsolved
presence known. Perhaps the sufferer had to live a bit
first- the Reasons and intellectual Hypotheses, indeed the
Questions, nought until one Lived! Experienced! The
Liver could be in analysis for those 12 or 97 years, but
until that innersanctum was vacated, until ONE WENT
OUT INTO THE WORLD- to quest, to explore, to
EXAMINE, to do!- does anything become clear…?
-Larry Kramer, Faggots, 1978
Arts & Jobs
2nd- 23rd June
Open Saturdays 11-6PM
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