Canary Islands Wrestling
Wrestling Deomonstration
a situation by Pablo Leon de la Barra
curated by Antonio Zaya
Bienal de Canarias
December 2006
Canary Island wrestling has Guanche indigenous origins and is popular in all the
Canary Islands. Traditionally, this type of wrestling was used to settle disputes
over domestic issues and Land. The Luchadores would roll their trousers up to the
thigh so that they could both get a grip of the other and the bout - or "brega"
would begin. Almost every borough has its own sand "terrero" or circular
wrestling ring. Each "brega" is between two contestants who try to unbalance each
other with spectacular trips and throws called "mañas". The two wrestlers have to
remain on their feet, as, if any other part of the body touches the ground, that
wrestler is eliminated. Canary Island wrestling is also practiced in Venezuela and
Cuba; a legacy of Canary Island migration.