Sunday 22 January 2012


the great Cerith Wyn Evans as the great Osha, the sex guru

star studded cast including Nicola and Pascale as the Xuxetes, Margarita as the pregnant virgin, Jeanette, Bishy, Patrick Blumer and Princes Julia

Patrick Blumer as the one that was never loved, finally receiving some love at the ashram

director of photography of the ashram orgy scene, cinematographer Chris Hughes, who used to do the camera in Derek Jarman's films

guest star appearance of Philippos N as a young satyr

new friends arrive to the sex ashram

Cerith and Jeanette

Director Ellen Cantor and CWE rehearsing a scene

Patrick Blumer as the Clown boy

Jeanette, Cerith and the Clown boy

Pinochet Porn, a film by Ellen Cantor,
last scene Ashram Orgy filmed in London
view the trailer here

"Pinochet Porn" is a soap opera-like narrative about five children growing up during the Pinochet regime, and their subsequent maturation into adulthood. Shot on Super-8, this feature-length film is based on a 2005 hand drawn film script "Circus Lives from Hell". The story while disclosing the intertwined lives of these five characters, also reveals its nature as a microcosm of surrounding political discord, cycles of destruction, and mounting violence. It is at once tragic and comedic. Segments of a particular history are made observable through the circumstances of the lives depicted, all obliquely revolving around the Pinochet regime in Chile. Within this story, childhood fantasy is permeated by structures of annihilation, which the characters later create in their own lives as adults. The story ends with the question: Is tragedy a choice? The title refers to the complex intimate relationships of the characters; but more so, to the regime’s systematic, sadistic destruction of individual lives - policies furtively upheld by the United States, United Kingdom, and the Papacy. This no-budget film has elicited collaboration from some of the most gifted people in the field.

Directed by : Ellen Cantor
Director of Photography : John Brattin
Art Director : Jay Kinney

Lia Gangitano - Pinochet's identical-twin daughters
Jim Fletcher - the Dictator
Andrew Haynes - the suffering Wife, the toy Boyfriend
Jay Kinney - the toy Boyfriend
Michel Auder- Husband One (he married both sisters!)
Spencer Sweeney - Husband Two (the young man)
John Thomson - Husband Three (he taught her about conceptual art...)
Ellen Cantor - Husband Four (the best friend), the Maid
Harri Kupiainen - Husband Five (the rock star!!)
Danny McDonald - Husband Six (he got her pregnant!)
Sofia Elisabeth Von Herrlich - the Baby!
Patrick Blumer - the Clown boy
Brandon Olson - the castrating man-eating demonic Girlfriend
Stephen Ward - Mango Cha Cha (the famous DJ!)
Tristan Hughes-Freeland - Mango Cha Cha as a child
Annabel Sexton - his little Sister
Rosalie Knox - the Nun

with special guest STAR appearances:
Francesca Gangitano
Carmel McMahon
Emma Nilsson
Mateo Kamzelas
Shandi Sullivan
Ryan Harman
Malcom Hamilton
Cate Giordano
Kerry Davis
Debbi Martini
Jo Murray
Arturo Carlo Samperi Malagnino
Nuutti Kataja from Dead Combo!!
Cerith Wyn Evans - Osha the sex guru!

Narrated by : Pablo Leon de la Barra
Executive Producer: John Maybury
Assistant Editor : Simon Popper, Nikos Pantazopoulos
Camera Assistance : Cate Giordano
Copy Editor : Nikos Dimitros
Creative Production Assistance : Jill Herman
Technical Assistance : Clinton Curtis, Glen Fogel

Friday 20 January 2012


Blabla et Chichi sur un bateau
Curated by Christophe Hamaide Pierson and Xavier Mazzarol
January 14 - February 23. 2012
with avaf, Julien Bouillon, Claire Fontaine, Johan Creten, François Curlet, Wang Du, Mylène Eliot, Agathe Fleury, Tadashi Kawamata, Mike Kelley, Xavier Mazzarol, Daphne Navarre, Alfredo Piola, Yorgos Sapountzis, Louis-Philippe Scoufaras, Stéphane Vigny, Philip Wiegard, Franz West, Bernhard Willhelm


Ragamuffin Nuffin’

What d’s’e say?
– Don’t say nuffink.

What d’s’e do?

– Don’t do nuffink.

What d’s’e fink?
– Don’t fink nuffink.

Why d’s’e say nuffink?
Why d’s’e do nuffink?
Why d’s’e fink nuffink?

– Ain’t there.

Jean Tardieu, « La Môme Néant », Monsieur, Monsieur, Gallimard 1951 
(translated by David Kelley)
press release (translated from french with google translate!):

Blabla and Chichi on a boat
by Sylvain Menétrey

One enters a protected environment - even overprotected - by some manic spirit, which has carpeted floor and wall space blankets browned. Spatial coverage developed by NASA to protect astronauts from the cold, heat and humidity. These metallized plastic sheets also serve as survival blankets that regulate body temperature of seriously injured or extreme sports. Just look up to take the measure of the danger which they are the sign. The light from three movie spots of a respective power of 4000 watts through the roof canopy and floods the gallery space. Three light sources believed both essential to the vision and terribly dazzling.

Rather than reduce the radiation reflect the covers as prisms, causing a loss of connection to the visitor.
Artists Christophe Hamaide-Pierson and Xavier Mazzarol and created this device perverse, where the precious, the attractive, the protector and life are transformed into a trap for the senses. Set design and implement full exposure Blabla and Chichi on a boat which they are the commissioners Hussenot Gallery, this installation so hyperbolic subverts the codes of art exhibition, the white cube becomes a green golden lighting works a blockbuster.

Inviting the viewer into this environment bigger than life, a column of twenty cents coins Agathe Fleury bar up the access corridor to the main room. His station horizontal rather than vertical floating ad following: a series of works that appear to levitate on pedestals of different heights, values ​​down or askew. Thus, this photographic print of a distant figure, alone in a vast flooded. An image of the artist Alfredo Piola, whose apparent serenity is contradicted by the title Shipwreck. The presentation of the work flat on a pedestal under the steals. To see it, you must access the mezzanine of the gallery, a kind of belvedere where exposure is offered as a panorama.

As the protagonist of the image of Piola, humanity, or civilization celebrated by the foreign gold, seems lost in a break time and space. We do not perceive that the attributes and ornamental appendages, or utilities such as this gun piss ceramic Julien Bouillon.

The exhibition presents a series of objects changing, but arrested or mineralized by the artistic gesture in an intermediate state or embryo, like the piece of Franz West immersed in a rectangular plexiglass filled with resin. Other objects still seem warm and pulsating. And the bagpipes in pig skin bag of Philip Wiegard light rock or Mike Kelley, ironic reflection on the kryptonite of superhero confined to his wheelchair.

Through this dialogue of form and formlessness, the human and mutant, the seducer and the hostile, the picture emerges of a society that grows Promethean productivist logic to boost plant Ornamental protein (assume vivid astro focus) and the reflex to safe harbor eggs in a bunker (François Curlet).

Monday 16 January 2012


MicroclimaS, an improvised experiment by Pablo Leon de la Barra at Human Valley at Kunsthalle Zurich's temporary location at Museum Barengasse

Zurich Microclima poster by PLB

Alejandro Cesarco
replica of stationary fabricated by marcel broodthaers for the project musée d'art moderne, 1969
offset print on paper, A4 size

Press Releases for exhibition printed on Broodthaers stationary

Microclima 1: Novo Museum: documents

Julia Rometti and Victor Costales, Ediciones del Exotismo Ordinario Internacional Neotropical, Documents in wall vitrine, 2011
the relationship between tropical organic nature and social revolutions

Julia Rometti and Victor Costales, Ediciones del Exotismo Ordinario Internacional Neotropical, Documents in wall vitrine, 2011

PLB, Nova Cartografia Tropical, 2010

PLB, vitrine with drawings

PLB, Studies for Novo Museo Tropical, drawings, sharpie on paper, 2009-2011

PLB, Savage Lava Jungles (for DGF), drawings, sharpie on paper, 2011

Gilda Mantilla and Raimond Chaves, An Uncomfortable Eagerness, video, 20 minutes, 2011
on their research done in the Amazonic Libraries of Iquitos, which served as inspiration to create the collection of books and images named Amazonic Library in the next room.
"One fine day in the future
someone like us
will open these books and brochures,
these old magazines and newspapers,
and will try to understand
through the shadows and the lights,
through signs hard to decode,
what is all that coming from the past."

transition between Microclima 1 towards Microclima 2

Microclima 2: Amazonic Library, reading room, bed with mosquito net

mosquito net, Microclimate within Microclima!

Tetine, O Bandido, audio based on the film 'O Bandido Da Luz Vermelha (Rogerio Sganzerla 1968), recorded n 2011, listen to it here

Ana Roldan , Screen
bamboo, 2011

Ana Roldan, Primitive arrangements decorated with gold leaf
Coconuts, gold

Marienbad Tropical

mosquito net and grapes

Fabio Morais and Marila Dardo, Ilha da Fantasia (Fantasy Island), Digital print on paper, 2009   

Biblioteca Amazonica, an attempt to create a contemporary library of the tropics

Sophie Nys' Lyrics for Arto Lindsay baed on Roberto Burle Marx's list of plants for Parque do Flamengo
and Barbara Jones' Folies and Grottoes

Paisaje Inutil, Victor and Julia's Without Rain, and DGF's Alphaviles?

Conquest of the Useless, Up Above the World, The Crystal World, Journey to Java from Paris, Heart of Darkness, and Almayer's Folly...
and the Fanzine of Fanzines!

Tristes Tropiques, Molecular Revolution

artist books by Fabio Morais

Recibo and publications by Recibo's friends

Pablo Magazine and Cassia Magazine

La Salvaje Revolucionaria en Horario Estelar by Alexander Apostol
and Duet for Canibals by Inti Guerrero

publications by Priscilla Gonsaga

Looking at Trees, Notes of Representation by Irene Kopelman, published by Roma Publications

Andre Romao, Poemas Barbaros published by Kunsthalle Lisabon 
and David Lamelas interviews by Drawing Room Confessions

Mariana Castillo Deball, Never Odd or Even, covers for non existing books published by Bom Dia

Transition between Amazonic Library and bedroom towards Microclima 3: Cine Club

Microclima 3: Cine Club de los Tropicos

Silvan Kaelin, Lagoa de Ouro, Documentary video in the format of a “tele-novela", 18 episodes, 90 min, 2008
more about Lagoa de Ouro here

Film programme changes every two weeks. Next film:
Javier Bosques, The Splinter of the Tiger, 2007
Future Films to be announced

Julia Rometti and Victor Costales, histoire abrégée de la botanomancie portative, video slide projection on digital print, on the side of cinema room, an abstract/organic unconciouss

Julia Rometti and Victor Costales, histoire abrégée de la botanomancie portative, video slide projection on digital print, 2011

more fishing stools for extra visitors

Mathieu Copeland and Vanessa Arelle cutting the inaugural ribbon

Julia watching Rai and Gilda's video

Mr. Fischli (without Weiss) in the exhibition

Ana Roldan's coconuts with golden messages

Pineapple Fountain, a never ending fountain of tequila Margarita's, a collaboration between Radames 'Juni' Figueroa and David Waddington from Bistrotheque

Victor serving himself from the Margarita fountain

party crasher of the night, drinking non stop from the fountain and eating all the bananas!

Tom Collins from Bistrotheque preparing the canapés at Kunsthalle's kitchen

David with feijao black bean soup

feijao black bean soup

cod bolinho fritters

and mini tacos

DW, DGF and TB next to tropical drink fountain!

and Balzac shrine with green light and mini pineapple

HUMAN VALLEY – The other side of contemporary history presents:
Experimento Improvisacional by Pablo León de la Barra
28 January – 9 April 2012
Opening: Saturday, 14 January 2012, 5–8 pm
with canapés and cocktails by David Waddington and Tom Collins / Bistrotheque, London

Freely inspired by Honoré de Balzac’s imaginary journey from Paris to Java (Voyage de Paris à Java, 1832), «Microclima Zurich Tropical» presents real and imagined journeys into the tropics and other jungles. Microclima proposes an immersion into a different Microclimate, and with it shifting points of references and giving visibility to narratives produced in other climates and geographies.

MICROCLIMA ZURICH TROPICAL is a salon with works by Ana Roldán, Alejandro Cesarco, Gilda Mantilla and Raimond Chaves, Julia Rometti and Victor Costales, Fabio Morais, Radames ‘Juni’ Figueroa, Tetine, and others. MICROCLIMA ZURICH TROPICAL also includes a library and a cine club.

BIBLIOTECA AMAZONICA is an attempt to build a library with publications and posters by Irene Kopelman, Mariana Castillo Deball, Martha Hellion, Sophie Nys, Priscila Gonzaga, Leonor Antunes, Cassia Tabatini, Cecilia Palmeiro, Fabio Morais, Alexander Apostol, Inti Guerrero, Miguel Calderon, Jonathas de Andrade, Andre Romao, Ricardo Domeneck, Kenneth Bostock, Ediciones del Exotismo Ordinario Internacional Neotropical, Alias Editorial, Pablo Internacional Magazine and others…

BIBLIOTECA AMAZONICA is inspired by Mantilla and Chaves’ research into the amazonic libraries of Iquitos in Peru (“In the jungle there is a city, in this city there is a library, and in that library is the jungle”) and in Dominique Gonzalez –Foerster’s investigation on the future of books (“is it possible to expand this library, and if so, how can it be done in a completely different way?”) and the relationship between text, space and climate as explored in her exhibition Chronotopes and Dioramas, at Dia Art Foundation/Hispanic Society of America in 2010.

CINE CLUB DE LOS TROPICOS is a changing programme of artists’ films which although have no direct relationship to Balzac, explore realistic narratives, present panoramic portraits of different aspects of society, and share the Balzacian ambition of creating fictions (and realities) as big as life. Artist films in the programme include amongst others: Gilda Mantilla and Raimond Chaves, An Uncomfortable Eagerness, 2011, about their research done in the Amazonian Libraries of Iquitos; Javier Bosques, The Splinter from the Tree, 2007, a personal portrait of the artist’s family life and history; Silvan Kälin, Lagoa do Ouro, 2008, a telenovela (soap-opera) presenting a micro cosmos of the real life dramas of a small village of Pernambuco, Brazil… 

In the course of the exhibition the presentation will grow over the space – works and books will be added, the film program extended, the exhibition will grow, like the jungle! MICROCLIMA ZURICH TROPICAL also celebrates Balzac’s attempt to create his own microclimate, a failed attempt to transform the land around his house in Paris into a pineapple farm.

The stationary used by Marcel Broodthaers for his fictional Musée d’art Moderne in 1969, was replicated by Alejandro Cesarco in 2008 and used to print the press release.

Note: Pablo León de la Barra thanks architect Douglas Stewart for collaborating on thinking the idea of the Microclimate, developed one night at East Bloc, a night club in London’s East End, where they identified (and later decided to join) a group of men dancing without shirt and creating their own microclimate in London’s cold winter weather.

Pablo Leon de la Barra is a thinker and an exhibition maker

Human Valley is a space at Kunsthalle Zurich for the presentation of borderline topics created by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Tristan Bera especially for the rooms on the ground floor of Museum Bärengasse. After the chapters «Balzac Nouvelle Vague» by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Tristan Bera, «l’amour en e majeur» a proposition by Heike-Karin Föll, Jean-Michel Wicker and Gregorio Magnani and «The Money Plot» by Egija Inzule, Tobias Kaspar and Hannes Loichinger, Human Valley opens its fourth chapter with a presentation by Pablo León de la Barra.

Please consult the latest information on the websites and

Guided public tours (in German):
SUNDAY TOURS, 2 pm: 5.2. (Niels Olsen) / 19.2. (Rahel Blättler) / 18.3. (NO) / 8.4. (NO)
LUNCHTIME TOURS, Wednesday, 12.30 pm: 15.2. (RB) / 7.3. (RB) / 28.3. (RB)
EVENING TOURS, Thursday, 6.30 pm: 23.2. (NO) / 15.3. (NO) / 5.4. (NO)

Opening hours:
TUE/WED/FRI 12 – 6 PM, THUR 12 – 8 PM, SAT/SUN 11 AM – 5 PM, MO CLOSED

Our education and tour program is supported by Swiss Re

Kunsthalle Zürich thanks: Präsidialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, LUMA Foundation

Further information and images are available on request by telephone +41 44 272 15 15 or email