Tuesday 8 January 2013


Humberto Ricalde (1942-2013), photo by Juan Carlos Cano

Humberto Ricalde (1942-2013), photo by Claudia Rodriguez Borja

My dear Maestro of life, Humberto Ricalde (1942-2013) died yesterday. A brilliant architect and thinker, he always said "Maestro is not the one that teaches you, but the one that changes your life." Humberto changed my life forever. A champion of the 'double discipline' where intellectual practice was not divorced from the joys of life, pleasure, humour, and fun. He taught with the same passion both at the University classrooms and outside, at a table in a cantina (pub/bar) drinking tequila and thinking while doing drawings on napkins. Find here, a text he first wrote around 1996 on Luis Barragan (in Spanish), one of our shared passions. Here, read Alejandro Hernandez' memories of our maestro (in spanish). Below a video of Humberto singing 'No Volvere' (I won't return).

Humberto, I will miss you.

Here some sketches and recommendations he did of Merida and Izamal in Yucatan and Rome on my notebook on August 2010. It was because of his recommendation that we visited his (our) favourite cantina in Merida, Leoncitos, link here.

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